Saturday, August 25, 2012

Scar-us Interrupt-us

A scare interrupts me lulled mid-stride.
Something hissing madly in the ditch,
Like the nagging voice unknown inside,
Evasive, and yet, ubiquitous,
That says, “You’ve missed your period,
And you don’t know who the father is.”

The jump, the hiss, the shock, the stare
Of the grasses parting to reveal
Truth vanish, like some ungraspable
Phantom dissipating through thin air.
Un-celebrated, it slithers to re-conceal.
I face death between heart beats, and swear,
“Just this one time, I’ll never forsake the prayer wheel

Again.” But, my I’m glad this happened here—
The racing pulse, the adrenalin upset,
The micro-breakdown transcending fear.
Hysteria opened my eyes for a minute.
I saw a vision that made me feel
Alive, like I do when love grips me.

-jenn long

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