Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Raindrop

A raindrop fell in my eye today,
As I leaned my head back,
And tiptoed to kiss him.
I know that sounds strange and cosmic,
But truth comes, often, stranger than fiction.
And I wondered what it meant.
I wondered what he was thinking.
I blinked very slowly,
And treasured the hidden meanings.
Then the presence of all the forces
Of the day swirled up together.
I shivered a bit, and yet felt warm,
And blessed the illusion of rainy weather.
It was a sweet awakening,
Out of a dull gray sky,
That washed the windows of my soul
Without the tears this time.

-jenn long

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the raindrop is the gift that signals that the time for tears is past.