Friday, January 18, 2013

Barefoot Claims

All of my claims are barefoot claims.
I wield no power of the gifted.

I speak not with the tongue of the learn-ed.
I see myself not as others see me,
But only as I am.
And without one plea,
I bend my knee
To the forces of love
That dissect me,
And expose my every weakened wound,
And every half-brained plan.

And then I move
Along shattered lines
Of other frail flesh
Of other frail kinds,
Of humans, barefoot,
Such as I,
Who long for beauty,
Who hope for truth,
Who die in swoons
Of passion's vermouth
To live in the ether's eye.

But come Great Whirlwind,
Set me free!
Set me free then!
What about me
Prevents the great liberation
From settling deep in my soul?
Might I but peek
As I lift the tresses,
And examine the light,
As the light undresses
My heart, and all of its faulty intentions,
Then, I might truly see,
And be whole.

-jenn long

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