Saturday, January 5, 2013

Open Window

I raise the window
And put myself
Where the light shines
Into my eyes.
Sapphire floods the throne
Of my soul
Like the blue of a thousand skies.
And elbows down on the sill
 and face in hands,
My thoughts of you
Into the fecund womb
Of a tomb
With no point of view.

But how the seeds of love and life glisten!
With authority they redefine,
Pulse, emit, and quicken,
And cause a new beginning in time.
Winter is over in my heart.
Lock and key lie sprung
Open to the liberating force called Life,
And it's heroes, yet to be sung.
And an unspoken prayer radiates,
Quivering hopefully,
Ever gaining in intense power,
As the curtain blows,
And the sash falls satin,
And silently onto the floor.

-jenn long

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