Friday, October 9, 2015

The Latin word for 'pussy' is 'pudenda,'
Which means 'something to be ashamed of.'
Which, literally, the Latins were much more technical and precise in their misogyny,
And they would have never ended their sentences with prepositions.
So, technically, it means,
'A thing deserving of shame.'

And here is where I will pause, and smile,
And tell you that it's OK,
Because we've come along way, baby!
But in truth I'm not sure we have.
I'm not sure we've come at all.
And I also think until we evolve as a species
So that babies are not conceived unless the woman has an orgasm too,
That we might be in trouble
Leaving it to love alone to make the world going around.
But I guess for now,
We can be happy that we've come far enough,
To be able to say the word 'pussy' in public,
And I guess we can take some comfort in knowing
That the Latin word for 'penis' is ...  'penis,'
Which means 'tail. '
So maybe us men and us women are all in this together after all.


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