Tuesday, March 3, 2020

I always wanted
That someday 
I’d have a big book of poetry 
That my grandmother
Would want to read
And keep in her library.

She had these dark, mahogany
Bookcases that went from the floor
Up to the ceiling in her dining room ,
And they were filled with books 
On philosophy and foreign languages 
And poetry, big,  thick , collections
Of yellow paged editions of poetry.

I read A.A. Milne, and Emily Dickinson ,
T.O. Daly and Shakespeare snd Emerson
And Robert Burns snd Chaucer’s Tales,
And anything I could get my hands on, really.
And one day, I will have a big book of Poetry 
That my Grandmother would love 
To have in her library, and she would read it, too,
If she were still around, for she’d read all
Those books and more, that I found
In her library, and she knew
Just where to go to find the quote 
She might be looking for.

And maybe she would even quote me.
It would be easy for her to do,
For, in truth, I  quote her a lot, too,
In what I call, my poetry.


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