Monday, April 27, 2020

My junior high coach died two weeks ago,
And they couldn’t have a funeral
Because of Coronavirus.
He drove a school bus, taught science,
And coached football and tennis
For over thirty years n my hometown.

But mostly he taught us not to act
Like a bunch of GO-RILLAS, as he said,
And we’d see him driving a big oil truck
And fixing up Volkswagens all summer long,
To make extra money to provide for his wife
And their three kids.

He picked me up on the bus
Every morning since I was nine,
And everyday I would get on the bus
And tell him a joke,
And he would laugh so loud,
Throw his head back, open his mouth 
So wide in a smile, then call me a squirrel
And tell me to sit down.

No one could go to
Pay their respects,
And everybody wanted to.
So the whole town lined up
Outside the funeral home by the hearse,
And when the family came out after a short memorial service,
And began to drive to the cemetery,
They saw that the people of our town
Had lined up on both sides of the road 
For five miles,
Waving purple and gold streamers for Coach,
And for his family,
All the way to the gates of the graveyard.


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