Saturday, August 22, 2020

 I would say he was never here,

But I still have this little piece of twine

That I threaded through my needle 

The night I sewed his shadow back on him.

But can something spun, like a tale,

Prove anything?

I thought I might have dreamed it,

But do shadows even really exist in dreams?

And I know I pricked my finger

While stitching up one of the seams,

And I know that was real.

I had a little sore spot for several days.

I could feel it every time I touched my fingertip to anything.

Maybe I should’ve gone ahead and flown away with him.

Maybe then someone would wonder if I was real

Or not, or what they really had to remember me by.

I would hope it wasn’t pain,

But then again, at least that’s something.


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