Thursday, August 20, 2020

 Megalithic stones 

A stone’s throw is not too far,

Especially if the stones are large,

Like they are at Baalbek or Tikal.

But at Malta the megalithic blocks 

Are placed so close, it seems

The rocks grew in together like teeth.

They say they may have originally formed 

Something like a temple complex,

And the ruins they have found

Lead them to believe

That people came from miles around

To worship the Mother Principle:

How beautiful it is to be born

And nurtured, cared for, and sent

Into the world to do the same.

But maybe the people came

To be chewed, by the cyclopean teeth,

And swallowed down and thereby doing,

Understand in a cognitive way

What it means to be an integral part of the divine,

And what it means to be a stone’s throw away.


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