Friday, September 18, 2020

 I’m burning.

A flickering, yet steady flame,

A splash of color deep,,

I whisper, “I don’t know.”

The search keeps me happy.

Surprise me, Life.

Delight me with mysterious quests,

Guests of various, sundry gaits,

With jests for which I wait

To hear the punch line.

This way I find in you,

So true, my mind tangles

In a beautiful mess of knots

And strings, and yet my flame gets air

When I declare, “I love. I let go.”

I surrender control to every living thing,

Its right to be born, be green, then ripe,

Then brown, and I trust Life

To let me down gently when it’s my turn

To blow. I know that I’ll still be burning,

Just in some other way.


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