Sunday, August 18, 2019

I walk the beach on a windy day.
I have to close my eyes.
My hair is blowing wildly this way and that.
My hat is gone.
The wind has blown it away.
The sun shines hard.
My heart is gone.
I don't know where.
I'm like a blind woman in the sand,
And only the cool water 
That brushes my toes
In the rhythmic waves of the ocean
Let's me know that I'm still on the shore,
Or I would be lost.

Or maybe I am?
Maybe I've crossed the stars one too many times?
Maybe it's not the briny sea
I feel on my feet,
But the cosmic touches of the Milky Way.
Then, by needs, must this
That's blinding me be stardust,
And I'm not lost after all,
But happily, just on my way home.


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