Tuesday, March 10, 2015

I want to stretch you out like the heavens.
You are bigger to me.
I see your eyes sparkle and shine
With love,
And my own galaxies start to whirl
Like gears that make my universe go round.
And locked in orbit,
We dance
To a place where gravity is gone,
Except our own private gravitation.
I am tight in a twist of love,
Like a cosmic screwdriver.
You are the Great Hammer,
And working in tandem,
We fix the mighty gate to the pearlescent conch shell
That has come unhinged in the sky,
So we can own it freely
And enter at will.

And now we are in,
And our bodies have changed.
We glow together shining in Love.
We picnic on the bluffs
And meander down
To dip ourselves in the refreshing streams
Until we are milky soft
And flow together
Like ribbons tied to a stick
To mark this place
In our minds


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