Saturday, March 28, 2015

They sell dandelion seeds at the horticulture stores now,
Because they found that the wild part of us needs to eat these wild wings
So our bodies can remember
The ancient times when we were free,
And we could fly.

It was long before the stories of Icarus and Jatayu,
Long before the warnings of the eternal punishment of Prometheus,
Long before we were 'human,'
In the infancy and innocence of ourselves,
Prehistory and pre-speech.
We were free to fly
For we had no need to work,
But only to live.

But then the half gods came.

But when they go, perhaps Emerson will be proved,
"Then the Gods will come."

Maybe then love and peace will get along
And the people of the earth proclaim the old maxim:
"Love really does make the world go round,"
And Einstein's other theory,
"Peace cannot be kept by force;
It can only be achieved by understanding."


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