Wednesday, September 4, 2019

I drive by the places where the beautiful people eat,
Then keep driving beyond the places
Where the beautiful people sleep.
Finally I come to the edge of the woods,
And when I know I'm good and alone,
I disrobe by the light of the full moon
And get hairy.

Because you're not in my circle,
And I don't answer your calls,
I'm not the me you wanted me to be.
I'm only the me that I am.
But now, you think I've put on a façade,
That I'm pretending not to want you,
So now you turn, and want me hairy.

I am a beast of the wilderness,
And nothing about me is fake,
And so this game you think I'm playing--
It's not a give and take,
But a take and be taken,
A kill and be eaten type of game.
It's not for fun,
Though it is, fun, for me,
When I'm hairy.


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