Friday, September 6, 2019

When the car wreck pauses,
And let's you out before the really bad part,
And tells you to get your affairs in order,
There's only so many things you can do
Before you have to come back
And face it all like a man.

I started home to say goodbye,
And saw an orphan baby crying.
The social worker was trying,
But the baby wanted a bottle.
I took off my bra and took the little black baby,
And held it while it nursed at my breast.
It only wanted a little and then it was happy 
And ready to play.

Pushing for time now,
I decided to cut through the trailer park.
I saw some old friends who wanted 
Me to come watch their boy 
In a talent show.
I obliged and laughed at the jokes
And cried at the beautiful music.

And someone came and stood behind me,
And put his arms around me
I didn't bother to turn and see
For I felt loved, and so, I knew who it was.

And all the while, the rest of the car wreck loomed,
Hung over my head like the sword of Damocles,
And I thought how lucky I was
To have a brother who loves me,
Some really good friends,
And a little more time
To make people smile
As best I can,
Before I have to go, 
And climb up that bluff,
And get back into that car,
And allow my fate to have its perfect way,
And finish that car wreck.


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