Saturday, June 15, 2019

Hiding from Kathy,
Running ahead,
And zagging in,
Diving in the tall grass,
Being very still,
She's tracking me, 
Taking a short cut now!
She's climbing over an old barbed wire fence
That falls down onto on my legs.
I can't yell.
She rides it down and picks up my trail,
And I'm lying there with barbs poking my legs,
Wondering if this game
Of hide and seek with a dead girl is worth it.

But the truth is, I can't let her
See me without my disguise.
Even her, my best friend,
I'm not sure she would understand 
How perverted things have been 
Since we were kids,
And that Batgirl is now the bad guy
That I am trying to defend the world from.

So I wear this twisted disguise,
So even in dreams I run from my best friend,
Who died in a plane crash
Just north of Kingfisher, Oklahoma in 1994.


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