Friday, June 21, 2019

I wake in the wee hours of the morning,
Confused by the smell of a cheap cigarette.
Faint smoke seems to seep in
Through the window
Closest to the head of my bed.

My mind's eye squints.
I get suspicious.
Why does the idea pop into my thought,
That my neighbor is standing just outside my window,
Smoking cigarettes and watching me?

Suddenly I remember a night
In a tent, long ago, 
From which, when I emerged in the morning,
I saw more than two dozen stumped out cigarettes
On the ground at the side,
Where someone had stood
And smoked and listened to our honeymooning.

I close my eyes
And relax my head back into my pillow.
And to think that now,
Someone is happy 
Just watching me sleep.


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