Monday, May 6, 2019

I can't go back to Bedford,
To the old farm in South Easton
Where my grandfather milked cows
And played baseball for Oakes Ames High.
I can't see the flowing curve 
Of the lush grass around the creek's trickle,
Or where the fence line used to run,
Even in my mind's eye, anymore.

But I still dream of the old house
With the dark windows,
The closet under the stairs,
Where I would hide and read
By only one small candle light
While hearing the coffee percolate 
And smelling the strong aroma.
I hear the clink of the spoon in the cup,
And my grandfather saying,"aaaaahhh,"
Diluting his coffee with a disgruntled sigh
And a dollop of canned milk.
How things had changed in his lifetime!

I remember finding a picture of him,
The pitcher for his baseball team,
And I thought he looked old
To be in high school,
And then, at eighty, I thought he looked young.

So, do you want to break my heart?
Shut up and do it then,
If you can,
My heart was broken a long time ago.


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