Friday, May 31, 2019

People ask us how we've been.
We say fine.
They smile and ask what we've been up to.
We see in their eyes
What they're wanting to hear,
That we're going to college,
Holding down jobs.
I lower my eyes,
Raise my chin,
And say, we're waiting for the world to end.

So we do the best we can
To get through every day.
We play cards and video games,
Hearts and Spades and Call of Duty.
So if sometimes we fail to brush our teeth,
Or comb our hair,
Or worry if our underwear is clean,
We're not like you.
We can't deny the true course of nature,
Or the saturated way the world has come to be,
And so we hack it best we can.
We're waiting for the world to end.


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