Friday, July 26, 2019

We all think they broke the mold with us,
But some molds are unbreakable.
They might have tried to break them,
But the pattern is too ingrained and prevalent.
We keep melting,
But we keep pouring ourselves 
Into the same old forms.

I'm in a holding pattern,
Waiting to land.
I want to be like the fly
And wander about and light upon
Whatever, whenever I want to.
But if I do, people will say,
"Mistakes have been made!"
Catastrophe will be unavoidable.

So I've become greedy for larger airspace,
So I exert my will.
First I will take over the Air Force,
Next, the country, and then, the world.

Then I can be as good as the fly,
And maybe, almost as happy.


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