Saturday, July 20, 2019

You're not supposed to park on the grass in town,
But who will tell the grass not to grow in my driveway?
The sign says do not walk on the grass,
But the grass ignores the signs and postings
And is growing up through the cracks in the sidewalk.
It's asking to be walked on!

I would never leave the house without my bra or girdle.
The civilization process has worked on me
And on most of my fellow human beings,
But who will come and civilize 
The wild grass and dandelion weeds
That constantly spring up within my soul?
I somehow feel they are the better part of me,
And if I could let them grow,
They'd make me whole.

I fight the constant urge to go wild and unkempt,
Nude and unbetrothed,
And go about my business 
Without being judged 
For how I'm clothed, or not clothed.

I'm starting to think civility 
Is the root of all human misunderstandings.
If we cannot be true to our own natures,
What can we be true to?


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