Monday, October 9, 2017

What is truth?
It's saved away.
A barn full of peanut hay,
It waits to be hauled out someday
When it is truly needed,
When the wheat's gone by,
The grass is brown and cold and dry,
And cows need to eat something
To nourish themselves
And the babies they're heavy with,
The ones they'll bare
When springin' time is here
And the wheat is green again.

What is truth?
It's locked up tight
In the china cabinet .
When the occasion is good enough,
And we can appreciate it,
It will come out
And shine it's light on our wishes,
And then we 'll know,
But right now, we're too lazy for the truth,
Too lazy to do our dishes,
So we just throw 'em away.

But someday,
We 'll be thankful for peanut hay
And good china,
And Truth.


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