Sunday, October 28, 2018

I comb the beach at dawn and search the sand
For some treasure the sea might offer me,
But all I find is a clump of yarn
Tangled up with trash and seaweed.

For years I searched, longed for something rare,
A starfish or a special kind of shell.
I'd settle for a clam or oyster.
Some of them are beautiful,
Or even the legendary one set of footprints
That would prove to me
That Jesus had in fact carried me
Through my toughest times.
But what I really dreamed of finding,
The thing that I wished for 
And wanted more than anything else,
Was a sand dollar.

Today I found five of them,
Tucked away in a box in the top of a closet.
I bought the whole shebang for two dollars and fifty cents with my own money 
At an estate sale I'd wandered into.

No, I didn't find them on the beach,
But, no less, I found them.
And maybe they are more precious
To me, ever more the wanted,
Because I understand now how cherished I have been.
I have been wanted so perfectly
That it has set me free 
From any situations where I'm not wanted thoroughly.

And I will keep my sand dollars out
And touch them everyday,
And think of the one-sided beach
And it's unyielding, stingy nature,
And remember to keep combing 
The fertile and copious abundance
Of the laissez-faire estate sales.


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