Monday, October 8, 2018

My smart phone won't capitalize "Western Auto" automatically 
For me like it does other business chains,
Because western auto hasn't been around for a long long time.

But back before the days when phones were smart,
And before a Walmart, even in a neighboring town,
Could put you out of business,
There used to be Western Auto stores.

I remember people stopping in 
To borrow our phone
To make sure they had gotten everything from town
Before they headed all the way home,
Because there were no cell phones then, smart, or otherwise,
So only the calls could be labeled as such.

One woman had an "emergency," she said,
And needed to borrow our phone right fast.
I pretended to dust the register
So I could be close enough to hear.

"Charles," she said with a worried brow,
"Do you wanna have 'nanna puddin' for supper?"
Then after a very short pause,
"Ok, well I have the 'nilla wafers,
But I'll go back and get some 'nanners."

"Thanks, Hun!" She sang as she hung up the phone
And headed out the door.

Come ta think of it,
Maybe it wasn't Walmart that put us out of business,
Maybe it was the phone bill.

And now I'm starting to wonder 
Who Western Auto might have put out of business
Back in some other, more ancient day?
Someone, perhaps, that didn't have a phone?

But I know Walmart will never die,
But eternally will be capitolized, and capitalized by my smart phone,
Because they would never let anyone use their phone,
For any level of emergency,
Even a banana pudding emergency!


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