Wednesday, March 31, 2021

 I’m going to wake up when I fall asleep. 

I’m going to sleep when I wake. 

I close my eyes to see.

I open my heart.

I’m going to dream another life

That I’m living as we speak,

Some other life I live on another plane,

Where all my treasures are.

I’m going to live when I die.

I’m going to die when I live.

I’m going to wake when I fall asleep. 

I’m going to sleep when I wake.

Ill take the treasures that I keep

On the other plane

And toss them out like candy thrown 

From a float in a parade

To the children.

This is a stepping stone life,

A beautiful hop like a frog, like a frog,

A beautiful droplet in the great fog of the age.

But there is a plane,

A stage,

Where I rule and reign

And dress like a queen, 

And my treasures are there.

I’ll have them again in another way,

Somewhere else,

Some other day.

I have them a different way, today.

Everything’s going to be okay.

Everything is.

Everything is.

Everything always is.


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