Saturday, January 12, 2019

From the deserted, forbidden places
In my night, I call to the
Anathema in you.
"Come and love me!"
"Come and love me!"

Come and grope wildly in the dark
And stumble, knocking boxes over,
Until I giggle in the night,
And you hear exactly where I am.
Then pretend you do not know,
But continue to grope wildly
While I hide again, and you find me
Again, in the dark.

Moving me away from you
Will never do? Why do parents 
And other authorities always think it will?
Have they never read of Romeo and Juliet?

I have, but I didn't like the ending,
And so, I'll take my Shakespearean truths
Any other way I can get them,
By letting you find me again and again and again,
By letting you love me 
Over and over and over.


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