Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I do! I do!

I do! I do!
Husbandman, make me a garden so fair.
Till it with a chisel plow.
Cultivate the soil.
Turn all the dead weeds.
Break up the bigger, harder clods.

Irrigate the plot
With artesian freshness.
Plant new potatoes, chives, and chard.
Build a sturdy fence
To keep out the rabbits
And deer from our garden.

Then permit me to go there
And spend my hours
Investing myself in the shade of the leaves,
Pruning and trimming, nourishing there,
Understanding the blooms,
And developing produce
Neath the spreading bounty
Of the flourishing fruit trees.

Give me the key to the garden gate.
Let me live in that glorious home of the soul.
Let there be peace always here between us,
As our minds continue to grow.

-jenn long

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