Sunday, May 27, 2012

No Wonder

The three fates sat so quietly!
An occasional mutter
In a language unknown.
Basic and guttural triplet tongue,
Unintelligible except amongst themselves was heard,
With an occasional sigh, or a bored sounding groan.

Hear the clacking of the pieces!
Like random dominoes plunked flat out!
A whisper here,
A twisted cackle,
They turn the puzzled chards about.

Two of the sisters get up distracted
By something more interesting than my mere life:
A novel challenge
With some pieces missing,
But they’re gonna try
To find him a wife.

Watching the one still dealing my fortune,
My eyes cut occasionally at the other two,
Wickedly obsessed
At yoking the poor fellow
To a witch of a nag,
A whining shrew.

They’re making up their own rules now,
Mixing the pieces from various boxes,
Cutting little “unimportant” nibbets
To force them to a semi-fit.
I hope they don’t try to pull that trick
Back at my life’s table.
The one fate’s moving very slowly,
But I don’t mind a bit.

She seems saner than the others
And has a scruple left in her—
Faithfully piecing, righting my design.
Lucky me! My destiny is coming together!

I can’t believe the gods sometimes!
No wonder we suffer hemorrhoids,
Tumors, and blisters!
No wonder our lives are so mismatched
And gruesome!
They hang in the balance of these immature sisters.

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