Friday, May 18, 2012

Tell me; Tell me

Come, Muse.
Tickle my toes while I sleep;
Brush your fingers gently
Up the back of my leg.
Lay your body over me
Three times,
And whisper your name
On the back of my neck.
Tell me; tell me.

Touch the deepest part of me,
Inside where spirit fires off life.
Open the door for me in there;
Let the understanding dawn,
And the rest of it all pour out.

Pull me over on top of you,
And touch me with fire and burning heat.
Resuscitate me,
Mouth to mouth,
And cause my soul
To live again.

Then pull me close
And hold me tight,
Your hand in my hair,
My ear to your lip,
And whisper my name.
Tell me; tell me.
For I no longer remember anything else
But your words.

-jenn long

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