Thursday, May 3, 2012

Pharmacos of Ishtar

Fine line between blessing and the curse,
The cure and deadly toxin:
Coumadin is clot preventing life for some,
Death for others—rat poison.
But Ishtar, we need your cutting stare
Today, to cut thru culture’s misses.
We’ve gotten very far off track,
Distracted from Reality’s kisses,
Disrespecting our primal nature,
Our needs and deep desires,
Castrating our men,
Sterilizing our women,
We’ve neutralized sacred fires
That were designed to warm our caves, our hearths,
And to provide satisfying nourishment.
Our alma maters now are feminized,
So it’s called, but it looks like sex deterrent.
Emasculated society,
Where are your fertile fields,
Where men walk unafraid to be men?
Where do women feel safe to wield
Their feminine sexuality like a banner,
And lay it off in victory
Shared, where love is honored, cherished,
Made king and queen,
And life thrives abundantly succeeding?

-jenn long

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