Monday, November 5, 2018

I went through a lot of rigamarole 
At this thing that was supposed to be fun.
Big purple tubes and brightly painted scaffolds,
But moderators and referees 
And lawyers representing the proprietors 
Ensured the fun kept moving along
In a timely and orderly fashion.

I tumbled raucously and accidentally fell out
Of one of the purple tubes 
And into a crawl space beyond
The chicken wire barrier.
I could see outside, and the sky was blue,
Even though it looked cold and windy.

But just on the other side of the alley,
Were stairs that led up to some outlet stores.
I'd been in one just before I'd come here.
I had to leave before I was ready 
Because of my appointment time,
But now I kind of wished that I'd stayed there.

There was an exit, and I couldn't tell
If an alarm might be connected,
But I also saw a window,
And I'm known for that exact type thing,
So i pried it open, tumbled out of it,
Escaped the fun house,
And went shopping instead.


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