Saturday, November 10, 2018

I went to bed a crone and woke a maiden.
The virgin goddesses played with me all day.
I shot the bow with Artemis 
And felt the power of life and death
Pass through the very air around me,
And became thankful for each breath I take.

Epona and I painted some of her magic herd to be
Horses of different colors,
So that others could see
And learn that they can be different, too,

If they want to be.

The other vestals made me smile and laugh with their unspoiled games,
And playing play-like showed me possibility.
But mostly they protected me from evil
With their innocence and purity.
Their diversions invigorated my blood,
And brought my heart jejunity.

And now the sun has come to set
And gathers its children round 
To listen to the waxing moon
Who nods as I lie down.
I drift to peaceful slumbers
Hearing the stories
Of the wonders of the Heavens.


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