Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Friend Like Me

Hmmm…maybe you need a friend like me right now—
One that has nothing to offer but herself,
One that wants nothing but you,
A friend that idolizes each modest beginning
Of that smile of yours,
As it tests the water and finds me smiling back.
Maybe your heart has been starved and is shriveling
And requires the nourishment of rapt attention,
Someone to gush nonchalantly,
Freely allowing you to absorb what you want,
And let the rest pour down, pooling at your winsome feet.

Yes, maybe I’m just what the doctor ordered—
Remedy serum to ease the pain.
So be still for a minute, and take your medicine—
You’ll feel so much better by morning, I promise!
Acknowledge your need for Love’s embrace,
And permit yourself to detox from the world’s demands.
Let me apply myself like liniment salve to you,
Swabbing my sedative self on your tense aches.

We all have that longing for understanding,
And you know I am a friend who comprehends
All the intricate singularities that combine within you.
Yes, maybe you need a friend like me right now.

-jenn long

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