Friday, April 20, 2012

Rising I Glide

Rising, I glide
To meet the Sun.
I find him gone,
Taken by the clouds from me.
I look to the place
Where he should be
Low in the morning sky.

But there in the east,
A table is spread.
Breakfast prepared.
I stare
At one lone orchid
There as the centerpiece.

Radiant blossom,
Altogether unfurled
In extended elegance,
Fragrance flowering
And drawing me
Step by graded step,
Into your unlocked allure.

I reach for the delight,
And stop.
The delicate colors—
The intricate design—
The intoxicating redolence—

Warm resplendence
Tenderly unbars my soul,
Herself now opening gracefully,
Exposed in full bouquet.
Free from doubt or guilt,
Knowing cascades
In brilliant dreams,
Within, without,
“For me.”

-jenn long

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