Thursday, April 19, 2012

I Was Living In Oklahoma

I was living in Oklahoma,
Minding my own business,
Writing simple poetry
That popped into my head.
I had the bright idea
To put a few on facebook,
Then I joined some poetry groups.
Was loving what I read!

And others were loving what I wrote, too—
Finally kindred spirits!
The years of isolation I’d felt—
Gone in a virtual click.
I now had access to brilliant thinkers
From all across this tiny planet.
Finally I heard my own heart beat
And could sense the mighty tick

Of other Souls there pulsing with me—
Of friends I’d never really met!
So thrilled was I with all this newness
That I did my former rules forget!

And then I got this friend request
From the Sheik of Mancitaknur,
And we began to chat a bit,
And gelled so quickly—so complete!
And so I went and got my passport—
Bought a ticket for a speeding jet—
Disembarked in a driven desert—
Sand and sweat and burning heat!

There I joined his lovely harem!
Became a poetry slave for him!
Churning out my emblazoned passion
Night and day and hearing him read!
And I don’t care how many lovers
He may have or love or know,
As long as he doesn’t share his poems,
Or talk philosophy with any of these!

-jenn long

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