Thursday, November 14, 2019

Come to my house, Sweet Pi,
And I will make you sweet potatoes for breakfast,
Apple dumplings for lunch and rhubarb pie.
We'll take the circumference 
Using you,
And build a henge,
And sing the stones right into place
Like Merlin did,
And make a name for ourselves,
And if not a name,
Then at least a spiraled haven
Where we can convene
And shout our praises out
In splendor and in ecstasy.

I sing your hymn,
A glorious irrational number,
For you cannot be expressed
In conventional ways.
Let's cut the cake 
And feed one another,
And think of all the ways we're roundly blessed.
A little more than a trinity,
You are all the more divine.
3.14159, or, pi.


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