Friday, November 15, 2019

She works hard on her yard all summer,
And then Winter comes,
She sits on the couch and pouts,
Looks out the window,
Buries her face in the tv,
Buries her mind in a form
Of hibernation,
Tries to forget about the three bears she lives with.
They sleep all winter quietly in their beds.
She tries out their chairs, instead,
And experiments with making Strange porridge and puddings.
She tries to think of nasty tasting things she can put in.
Sometimes it is only this that can bring
A smile to Goldilocks, whose Father 
Forced her to marry Baby Bear
After she turned up pregnant
And gave birth to a hairy little son.

She's warm within the den,
But cannot sleep the entire winter like the Bears do.
She feels her biological duty is through,
So now what?


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