Wednesday, November 27, 2019

E chord rings somewhere in the room,
And the E string on my guitar resonates.
The train goes by.
My cat begins to purr.
I think of you.
My hips gyrate,
Imperceptibly at first,
And then break loose
In a wild uproarious samba.
My soul shakes loops of
Heavy ropes away,
To dance freely through the night
And into the light of day.

And as the sun shines,
I feel my heart at peace,
First rays of morning 
Warming my feet,
Kissing my toes,
Working its way 
Up the rest of me.
Love dawns on me slowly,
Like rhythm, like rhyme.
It comes for me wholly,
Like a stitch in time,
Looping me back together
Sweetly with soft comfortable threads,
Cradling my head in its hands,
And kissing all my temples,
Loving me all along my E strings,
And everywhere else between,
Making beautiful music in my soul
And I hope, in yours, too?


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