Saturday, November 9, 2019

His eyes are sad and full of murder,
And he's been out of prison now
For seven years.
The seven year itch for him
Means raping and strangling
Some unsuspecting woman,
Who may, or may not,
Remind him of his mother.

His particular predilection for hate
Finds a polarity for escape 
When it releases itself on the elderly,
And this time, the confirmation of his DNA precedes
The announcement of his sentencing.
He will spend the rest of his life in jail,
And he hopes as he grows older,
He doesn't run across someone else 
With a penchant like his.
For as his own dark hair turns gray,
He may begin to resemble 
Someone's hated father,
Or worse, in his confinement,
He may begin to see 
His own aging mother's face in himself.


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